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We Do Help Private Aviation Operators meet today's challenges


The growth of business aviation has led to an increase in customer requests, a shortage of pilots, and rising crew-related costs. In response, operators are seeking new strategies

and retain pilots

reduce operational expenses

increase customer satisfaction

Rosterize's add-on aims to support an efficient workflow for managing flexible work patterns and facilitate processes for building effective crew rotations, crew swaps, and prompt quotation feasibility checks

What we do?

The add-on takes into account crew requests and individual terms while providing necessary crew capacity, which may help with recruiting and retaining employees while holding back cost increases.

The automatic finding of effective and feasible options for crew swaps and rotations is intended to eliminate tedious and time-consuming manual work and provide a competitive advantage for operators.

The solution is designed to:

  • Reduce roster preparation time from days to minutes
  • Extend the time horizon for crew rostering from weeks to months
  • Decrease the percentage of rejected crew requests
  • Increase crew availability without hiring new employees
  • Provide prompt and optimal crew swaps and crew rotation
  • Improve customer satisfaction by shortening the time for quotation feasibility checking

How Rosterize can really help

The Rosterize application returns an optimal crew roster and crew assignments in compliance with Aviation Authorities' rules and regulations, company business practices (fairness, risk tolerance), employee contracts terms (full-time, part-time, freelance, patterns), and qualification.

The solution calculates cost-effective rotation itineraries based on seat availability for the crew.

About us

  • Rosterize combines operations research and several related technologies, including machine learning, distributed computing, and optimization
  • Affordable, ready-to-use subscription without implementation
  • Monthly payments, no need to buy third-party licenses
  • Subscription by number of aircrafts 